3 mins read

Teens and College Students: Prime Targets for Identity Theft

A recent article warned that young adults aged 18 to 24 are among the last to detect identity theft. Especially at risk are college students, many of whom are away from home for the first time and are now starting to be independent. People in this age group feel entitled to adult treatment but frequently ignore adult responsibilities, such as keeping a close eye on finances.

3 mins read

Take 15 Minutes to Make an Emergency Plan!

Do the blaring sirens of fire trucks and ambulances give you the willies? If youre like most people, that answer is a resounding yes. Nobody likes to think of emergencies, but they creep into all of our lives. Just watch the news and youll see coverage of homes torn apart by tornadoes, towns destroyed by hurricanes, and trees felled by lightning storms. And thats just the natural disasters. Anyone who lived through the harrowing images of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, DC knows that emergencies strike when you are least expecting them.

3 mins read

The Greatest Gift For Our Children

Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling completely exhausted wondering why you just wasted 7 hrs of valuable downtime on restless, useless sleep?!? Well that was me! I cannot remember the last nights sleep I had when I woke up feeling refreshed, eager to start my day. Some may call this depression, not in my case, it’s pure exhaustion. I’m on vacation right now with David, it’s day 3 and I am finally kicking into relaxation mode. I don’t think I have ever been away, with nothing to do, no deadlines, and no one to take care of.